Friday, February 8, 2008

The Best $4 I Have Ever Spent

I have recently ressurected my iPod (it had been sitting in the back of my closet for almost 2 years). I was inspired to do so, because I recently returned a very generous gift from my old company ($300 pen) to Neiman Marcus ["Needless Markup" as I have heard it referred to]. I bought the Bose iPod docking station from . We also have a new computer so, being the techy that I am (haha) -- I managed to get everything working and get myself set up with iTunes. Yeah!!

The other night, JT and I added 4 songs to the iPod, including one that RJ likes. He is very much into trains and loves the song "C'mon Ride the Train" - they have been playing that and other dance songs at the daycare. Last night after LD and I returned home from her 18 month appt (for which she got very good marks from Dr. V) we popped the iPod in and all started dancing around the room. When RJ's "train" song came on, we pretended we were a train and ran around through the living room, the hallway and dining area in a circle. It was just some much fun (plus good exercise).

It is really fun to being able to dance and not really care what you look like or how good you are. Your kids don't care. All they care about is that you are having fun with them. The songs cost about $4 and it was the best $$$ I have spent.

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