Monday, February 11, 2008

Christmas in February

JT and I are having a little clear out of stuff that we don't need or use anymore. Actually, we are trying to make some room in the basement to eventually have it waterproofed and finished. For those that do not know me, I really like to clean and organize. In fact, we have been in our house for 5 years and we are on our 3rd Dumpster! Yes, I know it sounds silly, but there is something liberating about tossing stuff in there and clearing out your living space. I can't deal with having clutter everywhere.

Well, as part of the clean-up effort I have been bringing toys, books, etc. to RJ's and LD's daycare. This morning, despite the below freezing temp, I brought a bin full of toys to LD's room. It was the funniest thing ever...there was about five 18-24 month old children all huddled around the bin and taking stuff out. They were having a blast! LD did look at some of the stuff with a look that says "I know I have seen this before..." It much better that she play with them at school, then sit in the basement.

Watching all their little faces was like seeing my kids on Christmas morning. It was just so cute and everyone is happy -- I got to clear out the basement, the kids got new toys, and LD's teacher has a bunch of new books for the reading corner. Next to go is the baby swing and the floor kicker thing that are up the in attic...

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