Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Wheels on the Bus (or Explorer)

This morning the daycare was on a 2-hour delay. We had snow last night that turned to icy rain, then to regular rain. So my girlfriend from daycare and I decided I would take all 4 kids today (she has 2 kids the same ages as RJ and LD) and she would do the next delay. It works out really well, plus the 4 year olds were ssoooooo excited to go to school together.

So, everyone arrived at our house this morning at 8:30am. The kids got right to playing - RJ, LD, and S decided that the empty diaper box would be the best thing to color on. So I opened up the box and they got the crayons and went to town on the dining room table, while J had a blast with RJ's train set in the living room. LD was so thrilled to be with the big kids - she even let her creative juices flow onto the table. (By the way - you can get crayon out of tile by using a srubby sponge and some Fantastic Oxy spray). Everyone then decided it was time to play with the trains - well everyone, but LD - she decided to dump all the crayons out on the floor and chair. I proceed to clean it all up whild LD helps (by throwing them into the bin and they bounce back out).

I decided that would get going a little early so we can go through the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru. So in goes RJ and S to the way back of the Explorer and LD and J into the middle and Mom up front. I know a mini-van would just be more practical - but c'mon - I am way toooo young!! (Plus JT just won't let me).

We make it through the drive-thru successfully and everyone is outfitted with a Munchkin (mom now has her coveted iced coffee). We make our way to school singing and having a good time. We get there and there are people standing out front waiting to be let in. There is a sign on the door that says "DOORS OPEN AT 10AM". Honestly, you all see a bunch of wet, cold people at 9:55am - just open the friggin door! Everyone is dropped off and happy - Mom is off to work - 1 1/2 hours late!! Thanks goodness my new company is really great and didn't mind the tardiness.

Althought a hectic morning, it was fun. I enjoying helping out friends and being with the kids. I find that at this point in my life it is really great to have friends who are at the same stage as you are. It really nice to know that I can help out my friend with the kids and that she is there for me.


AmyBow said...

So silly to see everyone standing out in the rain. The hallways would have been a perfectly acceptable place for people to linger...typical.

Regardless, I am glad everything worked out and really glad to know that it is possible to manage 4 kids, if even for a morning.

DaisyJo_Mom said...

I know. Actually 4 of them isn't so bad. It was really cute because the 2 older ones were taking care of the 2 little ones.